Thursday, 25 April 2013

Bought My First Car

One of  my Goals on my 101 Challenge was to buy  a car. It seemed  a bit  unreachable because Zimbabwe is a country where cars  re bought  on Cash basis or  in  some cases you pay  three quarters of  the full amount  then  get  your  car.

On the 14 of  February however  I managed to put  down  a down payment  on the car  that  I wanted A Nissan March and that to me was the best Valentine's gift I gave myself. A  month later I paid the full  amount  and now I can safely say my car  is paid for  in full.

I named it  Val short for Valentine since  I paid for it  on  Valentine's.I'm so proud of myself  and now my  goals and dreams are  now higher  than ever because I know that  with patience and good Money saving anything  is possible.


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