Friday, 27 November 2015

New Age Texting

Image result for new age texting

With the coming of the dawn comes a new era and i must say though i appreciate texting  the amount of shorting words that is now going round is just too much (Maybe I'm getting old) but i highly doubt it.

These days people don't even bother to text properly ,and it just seems to be getting worse .
Acronyms have always been an integral part of computer culture,and they have since spawned a new language.Commonly thought of a series of letters that make up a "word"  but there is a very big difference between acronyms and shorthand.

Words like ASAP (As soon as Possible) are examples of what an acronyms actually are, not some the things i have seen.

Below are  just some of the MOST Annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(totally hate them ) Conversation starters,Mostly from guys(Major Turnoff)

  1. WUD( What you doing) like seriously how lazy are you to text 
  2. HUD(how you doing)
  3. LIB(laying in bed)
  4. RN(Right Now)
  5. Sup( Whats up) This just annoys me
  6. IDK( I don't know
  7. Now this on freaking irritates me to the core(HBD) Happy Birthday ( Like seriously WTF) if your going to wish me Happy Birthday in this manner Please don't. 
In my option if your too lazy to text please just stick to calling because after a long day at work dealing with more pressing issues  i seriously don't want to spend my night your decoding   texts 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Just Do It!!

It truly is a wonderful life ,the complexities and trials we face each day make the fight all worth while.

You can not be effectively  freed from a crisis or situation if you simultaneously use it as an excuse .
When you are presented with an opportunity to elevate /grow yourself don't think of  start of by thinking of what you cant do ,or think of how you will fail ,rather think of what you will learn from it and how best you can use it to get further to your goals.

 Your circumstances or crisis shouldn't be a reason (excuse) to under perform ,rather it should be the driving force to push through and conquer.

I have been presented with a new opportunity and with all that is within i plan to enjoy it and learn ,but above all i am truly grateful 

Face the facts but don't be deterred.Have a defiant spirit ,lift up head,open your eyes,trust and obey God.

Endless Possibilities await you. 

You get what you want by doing what it takes


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