Monday, 31 October 2011

To Great Friends

Each  and everyday I truly thank God for the friends he has given me.

This year has been  an amazing year for me i have lost  friends but  have gained true friends that I'm proud to call sisters,

They say blood is thicker than water but I'm proud to say that the friends that  I have stuck closer than brothers,

 To my Blood Sisters Sandra, Sally, Samantha, Tino and Lola you have been there for me through thick and thin and I'm proud to call you my Sisters and to also call you Friends

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Self Worth

In  past  and in present  times a  lot  of  musicians have sung about  healing from a broken heart  and expressing their feeling to the lost spouse.

 In these songs i have  realised that most  f these women as much  as they are hurting   they have finally realised their Self Worth hence  they let  go  of the relationship  even in those cases of  them being  dumped one can clearly hear the strong emotion attached to the realization that they deserved so much  more.

One of the most  famous songs that  speaks about letting Go and Moving on after a broken heart  is a song by Diana Ross- I will survive , my favourite  part  is when she says
At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinkin’ I could never live without you by my side
Then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along

It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
Just trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
And I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high
And you see me, somebody new
I’m not that chained up little person still in love with you
And so you felt like dropping in and just expect me to be free
But now I’m savin’ all my lovin’ for someone who’s lovin’ me

The only way one can truly heal is to first admit  that you have been hurt,it is said that crying  is the best medicine to mend a broken heart.

 To  all my  ladies i say to you ,every Princess deserves  a Prince so wait upon the Lord  to Give you ,your Prince,we all have kissed frogs that did not  turn into  a Prince  but if you search in the right pond you will find your Prince waiting for you.  

Knowing your self worth will always guide you  and keep safe from a broken  heart ,know what you want and go for it .

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Well life has its ups and downs and we all go through life this way .some of us choose to make the best of it.

I have had my fair share of life's gifts,

some of them good and some bad but with every situation life throws at you ,you begin to  realise that life indeed is a journey that needs companionship .

Some of us choose to endure life's gifts on our own but every laugh ,tear ,first step and all the other precious moments needs someone to help you walk through .

So live life and let love in but don't afraid to grab some one's hand to help you .

I thank God for every one  who has shaped me to be the woman I am today I love and appreciate all of you.

Above  are the few that I close to my heart.

Friday, 19 August 2011

The Sound of Music

Growing up at number 7904 I can share so many stories with you about what it was like growing up in a  house with 6 girls and my mum being the seventh a great time we sure had. Watching lots of TV but always made sure we watched musicals with the likes of The Sound of Music, Sister Act, Sarafina, Music and lyrics and Annie, we always loved to sing along and watching these movies brought us closer together.

Today I'm going to share with you about the Sound of Music and truly hope you will enjoy it .

Growing up  with my sisters was an amazing journey and I am who I am today because of The Soundof Music I grew up to .

UB40 being my # 1, OMG to think that I ha crush on Ali the lead singer and when it came to karaoke nights I sang along to Ali and iIfelt so close to him .*hahahahaha funny how times change*

Labour Of Love was the first album my Father bought me.My Mother is always telling me the story of how that came to be, she says that I sang the whole album back to back one day when we were driving my sister Sammy to school her school being more that 100km from where we lived, the amazing thing is I was only 5 years old.(wonder why I didn't become a singer)

Music is what brings us together as a family because of our different tastes and appreciation of music. My sister Sandy is the most mature one amongst us with a greater and deeper understanding of Music, My sister Sally however  loves the beat of  the African beat  because my sister is a huge Rhumba Fan and whenever she visits Zimbabwe,Chez Ntemba is the place for her, Sammy is very diverse in her music style, I don't want to blow my own horn but music is my life, I live, eat, breath music and like my sister Sandra I'm very Mature in terms of music.

They say that with age comes maturity  and for my little sisters Tino and Lola they are still finding themselves in music.

Before I go just want to share one more story with share, I truly believe that the love of music is generational because my niece who is now 13 years old  is a true example, when she was only two years old and still learning to talk she could sing along to Backstreet Boys Song   "I want it that way"  even though she sang it in her baby voice one could clearly see the passion  in the little girl. With one more addition to the family being my nephew Junior he is just amazing a beautiful boy full of life still can't talk but whenever we put some music on, no matter he is doing be it eating ,sitting or playing he leaves what it is and he starts dancing more rather bouncing about so maybe he is the dancer in the family.

After all that said is done The Sound of Music will always be a part of me and will always keep my family glued together and I plan to share that with my family one day .

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Untamed Wild

Caribbea Bay (Kariba, Zimbabwe)

The past few days have been amazing  and very refreshing  having spent them in a place that I believe is The Heart Of  my country, Zimbabwe.

The amazing thing was that I was away from all the hustle & bustle of Harare the capital in a place of serenity, Kariba.

It was  so amazing that  I just took so many  pictures of the beautiful scenery .

I truly hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did .

Thursday, 21 July 2011

We all want happiness

In life there comes a time when you seek companionship, and during this time you can look for companionship in the wrong places.

I have come to discover that as much as we want companionship in our walk of life, sometimes that greatest companionship can come at the least excepted time in the least expected place.

So if you’re still looking for great companionship, they still are hope.



Thursday, 7 July 2011

Young and Free

Being young is Bliss.

I asked my friends a couple of days ago to share with me their first crush.  The responses i got were amazing. Now that we are all group -up ,some of those crushes turned into love or lust and some end up even hurting you.

So today I'm just going to end this by asking one Question,

In love is the absence of truth bliss or is ignorance  the truth  bliss?

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


We come into this world not because we want to, but because someone made that choice for us. A huge part of this so called thing called "LIFE", people make decisions for you not because you want them to but because they have to .
Then the fun begins, when you're given the key to so called  world.You start to see things that for a while were kept secret from you .You learn about the birds and bees and what great fun that is but for some a bit confusing .
That being said and done, they are a few things that no matter how old you are will always  remain a mystery. This is amazing because each and every day is a new page. Someone once said "yesterday is the past, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift that is why it is called the present'.
So we will never know the formula to life, who needs formulas anyway when you have the key to the world. One thing that I have come to understand in my short years about this thing called life, enjoy it and live everyday to the fullest, don't let the sun go down when your angry and like I always say ''live life and let love in". So grab the bull by the horns and enjoy life, tale an account of your days.
Give love and let love in and remember the best is yet to come.


Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Making  a decision is never an easy thing to do, no matter how simple it might seem. Be it deciding on what to wear to work, choosing which new colour you want for your home walls, to deciding on what name you are going to give your first born child.
These are all choices that we face on a day to day basis, some more than  others, and yet  the deciding part always seems hard every time.
As hard as it might seem, at the end of it all, the final decision or choice always seems to bring Joy and a sense of relief even though not long ago you once had to make the same choice .

So in all that we do always remember that the choice is yours. Like Captain Planet would say "The Power is yours".


Monday, 27 June 2011

Who are you.

Many people when their asked this question ,they think its an easy question  but very few know how to answer this.

 A greater part of  people lives is spent living in the Shadow of another ,if you ask my mum today who she is she might answer you  by first stating her name,and also by saying she is a mother of 6 beautiful girls,she is a sister  and also a grandmother,but there so much to her and all of us than what  we see.
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details." Albert Einstein.once we know what God thinks of us ,You will never think less of self ever again.

This is just the beginning ,so stay tuned coz your all in for some great times.



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