Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Thembi's Etiquette Corner

*New Series*

THESE pages have been prepared for those who are determined to improve themselves in exterior polish. It has been written  to help  you  with  day to etiquette tips that  will  help  you  in  any situation and to help  you  as a guide when  you are in a situation that  you  may  not  be too familiar.  Its instructions are perfectly plain, practical and simple. Etiquette has been defined as a code of laws which binds society together -- viewless as the wind -- and yet exercising a vast influence upon the well-being of mankind.

These laws were founded during the day’s ancient nobility, but as years have flown they have been modified in a great degree, many of them being quite outdated and others entirely changed. Some, however, have been but slightly varied, to suit the times, being governed by the laws of good taste and common sense, and these not only facilitate the intercourse of persons in society, but are also essential to their ease and composure of manner.

"And manners," said the eloquent Edmund Burke, "are of more importance than laws, for upon them in a great measure the laws depend. The law can touch us here and there, now and then. Manners are what displease or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine, by a constant, steady, uniform and insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe in. They give their whole form and colour to our lives. According to their quality they aid morals, they supply them, or they totally destroy them." Agreeable manners are very frequently the fruits of a good heart, and then they will surely please, even though they may lack somewhat of graceful, courtly polish.

Etiquette may be of different kinds such as social etiquette, business etiquette, office etiquette, email etiquette, Invitation Etiquette  and so on.

In my second edition I’m going to be sharing with you Tips on Social Etiquette

So ladies and gentlemen I trust that you had a lovely time with this month’s edition of Thembie’s Etiquette Corner.

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